About Me

portrait of Tobias Meurer, black and white photo, man with glasses and short hair, outside, blurred background


I am Tobias Meurer, a senior software engineer from Hamburg, Germany.

As long as I can remember, I am into computer stuff. I got my first own computer as a teenager and did not only use it for gaming, but also understand how things work. I visited a technical college and made a degree with the focus on information technology.

Afterwards, I did a three year dual apprenticeship as IT specialist with the focus on system integration, where I worked at a pharmaceutical company half of the time and visited school the other half to get practical experience and learn about the theory behind it as well. Subsequently I kept working in that field and mainly worked on topics like computer networks, hardware and software installations and support, operations of servers for manufacturing facilities and similar things.

During these times, a colleague came to my office at least twice a week when I was alone, closed the doors and told me to quit this job and go to study at a university to broaden my mind and get better job opportunities in my future. Another colleague joked regularly why I’m still there and not yet enrolled at the university. I could not resist their persistency and finally took their advice and decided to study applied computer science.

While studying I started to work as a working student at a digital agency and stayed there even after my bachelor degree to work on several projects for leading companies in the German industry. Later I switched to company in the fashion industry. Always targeting to develop, build and run high quality software, but also fulfilling other roles like technical project lead and consultant or supervising trainees and working students.

In my spare time I love to travel, hike, bike and boulder or - if the weather is bad - watch good series and movies and play video games. And the best thing is to do all this with my loved ones, friends and family.

If you want to know more about me or my career path, you’ll find links to some of my profiles on other platforms on this website. If you like any of my blog posts, feel free to share them with others.

jshell> var domain = new StringBuilder("Tobi M").reverse().toString().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-").concat(".eu");
domain ==> "m-ibot.eu"